Hi Peleg,
How are you? I was forwarded this from a friend, Vanessy Lowry.
I believe my firm has have done something that is “outrageous, unusual and creative…so different that it made people talk and pay attention…”
But, it’s not what you would expect and frankly not something I bet you’ll want to publish; It’s not a marketing program or hot air balloon filled with goats and a large Misenheimer Creative, Inc. logo on the side! (of course, i already do an email blast monthly, online ads, networking and the usual).
But this is different. I am coming clean and being myself, as a designer and a human, on my site, a big risk in this day and age! 🙂 And it is a ‘poor-fit client’ purging function inside it too.
I have put the most explosive and politically incorrect link on my site that is possible, but again, not for effect or even for convincing someone of my view, but really just so it would be clear that i am not hiding or bowing to pressure to homogenize, and from what sphere I come from when attacking a visual communications problem for the prospective client. Again, not that the link or i am ‘great’, but i do get so tired of ‘me-too, never-gonna-rock-the-boat’ business safety machinations, and so I went for the ‘outrageous’ route! 🙂
Hold on now, the backstory beauty of it is that it “steers away” clients that are not into what I am, which can be a good thing! And, of course, it empowers those that do have the same ‘worldview’ TOWARD my design services and my site, which means, the prospective clients that I do hear from, from my site, are ones that have self-screened themselves.
If they were offended, they never contact me. OK, actually a few have, but that is fine too, to disagree or discuss, or to tsk tsk me.
If they loved ‘the link’, they often do contact me saying so. In fact, it’s running 10 to 1 that people write, even if they do not use my service, to say they appreciate the candor, stand and yes, even soft-peddle/no hard sale approach…
When you go to my site, you’ll know immediately which link all this is referring to, if i have piqued your interest…!
Mark Misenheimer
Mark Misenheimer | MisenheimerCreative.com
Graphic Design Solutions That Increase
Marketshare and Mindshare for Our Clients,
Through Strategic Web and Print Communications
678.777.3165 | mark@misenheimer.com
eBlast: http://tinyurl.com/yh3ngmg
On: Twitter, LinkedIn, FaceBook
Plus:Tshirts +: http://www.UrbanShirtWearhouse.com
Designer’s eBook: http://www.designerssurvivalguide.com/
8)Summary: Designers’ outrageous creative ideas for marketing your business
Name: Peleg Top
Category: Business & Finance
Email: haro@pelegtop.com
Media Outlet: HOW Magazine
Specific Geographic Region: N
Region: usa
Deadline: 09:01am PACIFIC – 11 January
Are you a graphic designer or an owner of a graphic design firm?
For an
upcoming article in the business section of HOW MAGAZINE, I am looking for
a quote on something you did to get the word out about your business that
is outrageous, unusual and creative.
What did you do that’s so different
that made people talk and pay attention?
Please send a up to 100
words PLUS your name, agency name & URL
Begin forwarded message:
From: Vanessa Lowry <vlowry@gmail.com>
Date: January 6, 2010 6:58:48 PM EST
To: Douglas Fallon <fallondesign@mindspring.com>
Cc: Rand Cabus <rand@privateerdesign.com>, Cathy Lessing <cathy@lessingdesignworks.com>, Dawn Shelton <dusk2dawndesign@earthlink.net>, Kate Nelson <dzinework@aol.com>, Gary Unger <Gary@garyunger.com>, Hart Garon <hartdesign@mindspring.com>, Jane Kelley <janekelley@mindspring.com>, Jared Erickson <jared@thepuredesign.com>, Jason Jeong <jasonjeong@yahoo.com>, jennifer brommett <jbrommet@gmail.com>, Jennifer Medina <Jennifer@medinacreativedesign.com>, joy thomas <joy@joytcreative.com>, Kristen Leigh <k.leigh@comcast.net>, Kurt Hoechstetter <kurt@imagebolt.com>, Lisa Bilz <lsmillennium@mac.com>, Lisa Weldon <Lisa@lisaweldon.com>, Mark Misenheimer <mark@misenheimer.com>, Peter Carpenter <pcarpenter@thoroughbreddesigngroup.com>, Rob Wheless <rob@whelessimage.com>, Roger Elam <rogerelam333@yahoo.com>, Thomas Loving <tloving@ashercreative.com>
Subject: HARO query for graphic designers
Hi all
I subscribe to HARO (Help A Reporter Out) and thought some of you might want to respond to this query. Details are below.
Vanessa Lowry
Connect 4 Leverage
I co-authored “30 Days of Gratitude”… download the free e-book at www.DaysofGratitude.com and jump-start the new year with a month of gratitude!
Hi Peleg,
How are you? I was forwarded this inquiry of your regarding ‘designers outrageous ideas for marketing your business’ from a friend, Vanessy Lowry.
I believe my firm has have done something that is “outrageous, unusual and creative…so different that it made people talk and pay attention…”
But, it’s not what you would expect and frankly not something I bet you’ll want to publish; It’s not a marketing program or hot air balloon filled with goats and a large Misenheimer Creative, Inc. logo on the side! (of course, i already do an email blast monthly, online ads, networking and the usual).
But this is different. I am coming clean and being myself, as a designer and a human, on my site, a big risk in this day and age! 🙂 And it has a ‘poor-fit client’ purging functionality inside of it too.
I have put the most explosive and politically incorrect link on my site that is possible, but again, not for effect or even for convincing someone of my view, but really just so it would be clear that i am not hiding or bowing to pressure to homogenize, and from what sphere I come from when attacking a visual communications problem for the prospective client. Again, not that the link or i am ‘great’, but i do get so tired of ‘me-too, never-gonna-rock-the-boat’ business safety machinations, and so I went for the ‘outrageous’ route! 🙂
Hold on now, the backstory beauty of it is that it “steers away” clients that are not into what I am, which can be a good thing! And, of course, it empowers those that do have the same ‘worldview’ TOWARD my design services and my site, which means, the prospective clients that I do hear from, from my site, are ones that have self-screened themselves.
If they were offended, they never contact me. OK, actually a few have, but that is fine too, to disagree or discuss, or to tsk tsk me.
If they loved ‘the link’, they often do contact me saying so. In fact, it’s running 10 to 1 that people write, even if they do not use my service, to say they appreciate the candor, stand and yes, even soft-peddle/no hard sale approach…
When you go to my site, you’ll know immediately which link all this is referring to, if i have piqued your interest…!
Mark Misenheimer
Mark Misenheimer | MisenheimerCreative.com
Graphic Design Solutions That Increase
Marketshare and Mindshare for Our Clients,
Through Strategic Web and Print Communications
678.777.3165 | mark@misenheimer.com
eBlast: http://tinyurl.com/yh3ngmg
On: Twitter, LinkedIn, FaceBook
Plus:Tshirts +: http://www.UrbanShirtWearhouse.com
Designer’s eBook: http://www.designerssurvivalguide.com/
8)Summary: Designers’ outrageous creative ideas for marketing your business
Name: Peleg Top
Category: Business & Finance
Email: haro@pelegtop.com
Media Outlet: HOW Magazine
Specific Geographic Region: N
Region: usa
Deadline: 09:01am PACIFIC – 11 January
Are you a graphic designer or an owner of a graphic design firm?
For an
upcoming article in the business section of HOW MAGAZINE, I am looking for
a quote on something you did to get the word out about your business that
is outrageous, unusual and creative.
What did you do that’s so different
that made people talk and pay attention?
Please send a up to 100
words PLUS your name, agency name & URL
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