by | Feb 10, 2012 | print
A once a year, print magazine published for High-Tech Ministries, called HTM@Work, was about the people and impact of High-Tech Ministries. It was printed as a 4-color process, 36 to 40 page magazine. We’ve had the opportunity to produce this magazine for | Feb 10, 2012 | print
This print packaging label for Ranger Coffee was created for several of their lines of coffee, including their Hyper-Caffeinated offering. It was formulated by former Army officers for coffee drinkers that needed an extra kick in the pants. This label design | Feb 10, 2012 | print
This was a weight-loss print packaging campaign that included brochures, audio CDs, DVDs, and even a pedometer, along with a log that the buyer could use to aid in their weight loss and self-improvement efforts. The packaging, user guide, DVDs, and more all had | Feb 10, 2012 | print
by | Feb 10, 2012 | print
This print billboard was designed for Life University’s very successful, national championship-winning rugby program’s upcoming game against the University of Tennessee. It also featured the scores from victories against very high-ranking opponents in the...
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